By Skylar Richardson
Over the last several days, I have observed the simplicity of life here in the Philippines. There is profound beauty in simplicity. Living in a busy city, having a busy career, going to grad school again, and maintaining a family gets rather complex to the point where simplicity becomes elusive.
Nonetheless, I have learned to make balance my number one priority, starting with my physical health. When I began to prioritize my physical health and well-being, my once-dormant spiritual practice followed suit. Not sure what balances you out, but spirituality has always been the thing that has brought me peace and tranquility in my hectic world. Since getting back to my spiritual practice, I have noticed a profound difference in the quality of my life. I mean, it is literally amazing. I have become a better version of myself.
Don’t get me wrong, we all have our moments and there is a time for everything (including tough times). What I am saying is this: Make balance a top priority. Take care of yourself and all the other areas of life will work themselves out.
Also, very few people start out at the top. When we pay our dues, learn the hard lessons, and struggle, we develop the character, agility, and stamina to maintain our successes. For example, I work 8-10 hours a day, 5 days per week and then I study 2-4 hours Monday through Friday and 6-8 hours on Saturdays. When I got my master's, I had a similar schedule and did not realize that I was building my stamina for my doctoral program. After I graduate in 2024, I will have had exercised my stamina and agility continuously for the past 6 years. This normalization process takes time and discipline. Discipline and doing those things we don’t want to do are the keys to success.
Successful, healthy, and fulfilled people put in the work and don’t take breaks from pursuing their goals. Successful people started out by realizing that they could not have obtained their success on their own. They needed help. I have seen many successful individuals throughout my career, and few have been willing to divulge the secrets of their success. In some cases, it was nepotism. But that was not always the case. The hoarding of success is like having the cure to a life-threatening disease that we never share with the afflicted. We are conduits, not dams. In my opinion, great people pay it forward when they mentor the struggling and help those in need.
This is one of the primary reasons I started Never Too Late Too Dream back in 2020. I plan to make a profound difference in people’s lives.